
Class Tournament

I am a teacher and I have multiple students in several Lichess classes. Is there any way to set up a tournament just for students in one particular class? Thanks!
You may create a team for them, have them join, and create a tournament in the team, which only team members can join. You can also set preferences (e.g. chat, team forum, etc.)
@TimMiguez you could create tournaments that are only restricted to one lichess group(which all of your students could join), then you could also set a password. You can share the password with the students in your class.
Hope this helps!
@TimMiguez said in #1:
> I am a teacher and I have multiple students in several Lichess classes. Is there any way to set up a tournament just for students in one particular class? Thanks!
Not to be rude, but I wouldn't usually expect a 1000 rated player to be a teacher.
@BharathSom said in #4:
> Not to be rude, but I wouldn't usually expect a 1000 rated player to be a teacher.

He/She might be a school teacher.
@BharathSom said in #4:
> Not to be rude, but I wouldn't usually expect a 1000 rated player to be a teacher.
Usually when someone says "Not to be rude", they are about to be rude!! I am a school teacher, not a chess teacher. Thanks to all for the advice.
@TimMiguez said in #1:
> I am a teacher and I have multiple students in several Lichess classes. Is there any way to set up a tournament just for students in one particular class? Thanks!
Hello sir you can create teams from here create a team then give entry code or keep manually accept submission then share the link to your students then ask them to join if u keep code tell them that and if u do manually accept then check them and accept now after they have joined go to team scroll down you will see swiss arena team battle u can choose swiss create it and give ur students the link they will join no outsiders can join there .
Hope it helps if you still face problem you can always message me in my inbox i will try to help you to my best

And @BharathSom please don't say like that you are a kid i know you are even smaller than me i guess so you can't tell that to any teacher like that don't repeat it again . Even if he was a chess teacher i wouldn't have been surprised there r many players who r coach who r less than 1500 but are very successful coach

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