

@original_gangsta said in #1:
> my mum and dad, both my sisters and their husbands and 90% of relatives are narcissists. it's hereditary.
> really soul destroying the narcissistic abuse.
> also growing up in racist uk as a minority is not much fun either. i must have done something really bad in a previous life for god to do this to me.
> i'm so sad and unhappy. will things ever get better?

Nothing last forever, so thinghs will change for sure, especially when you'll grow up and will be able to afford living on your own.

You have born in uk; there are no food scarcity and no dangerous animal there; so it could have been a lot worse, like having to scavenge your next meal in a elettronic waste dump in a third world country.

When life gives you a rough deal, if you burn up inside over you just make it worse (semiquote: Ajahn Sucitto). Things are as they are, if you get mad or sad or depressed they are not going to get better, it's only you who get miserable. Learn to stay with your feeling, get to know them, without self disparaging or proliferating or analysing; things will eventually gets better.
Thanks for advices. House prices are said to be coming down a touch next year, so I am going to bide my time until then and get myself a place to live. Non stop toxic abuse is bad for my health.

These types of people are impossible to deal with because they are looking for a reaction and to make you upset as they get a high off it. They are looking for 'narcissistic supply'. Best thing is to ignore/go no contact with them.
If the psychology of Psychology isn't Narcissism at minimum by own rules out of the box, will give claimant $10,000 USD USA.

The mind of Psychology becomes Transparent like a Child's, Own Rules Against.

Sorry about your problems.
I know it seems weird, but it is true: Ignoring them works. Though one day they will ran out of fuel and come begging, appearing like nice people and as soon as you open the door to your emotions, they will rob you and flee with all the fuel they can get out of you.

Since you can not change anything now, maybe try looing into the change of mind: Try out the stoic mindset: You can't change things outside your control - you can however change the things inside your control. But what do you control? Your body - no, you can become ill. Your family? Absolutely no. Hmmm... What about your mind? Yes, as long as you can think, you can control your mind, your thoughts - thus, try changing your view on things - it's the second best solution in your position, at least at the moment. You don't have to roam the earth as a thankful creature, but you can live your life not worrying - all those relentless thoughts, that are harrassing your soul, can be avoided. But it takes will power - it is under your control. For now, at least.

So, maybe try meditating?

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