
International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants of Israeli and Hamas leaders

should be warrants out for Biden and many of the leaders in his administration, and many in Congress for funding the genocide.
search and read up on 100 years of US propaganda against Russia. Search and read up on Joe McCarthy. Search and read up on Smedley Butler. Search and read up on Iraqi wmd's. Search and read up on the Vietnamese War.
bfchessguy would you like to take this opportunity to condemn Biden and Israel's genocide? The ICC is coming around, although in its cowardly way (look up the Hague Invasion Act for a clue as to why), to join the ICJ, and the growing majority of the world to recognize the genocide Israel is carrying out in Gaza, helped and funded by the Biden administration. Not all the emojis in the world will change that. Here is another prediction for you--pretty soon Zelensky is going to lose his grip on power, as he struggles with the more overt neo nazis in the Ukrainian government, and the money laundering machine the US uses to fund defense contractors switches its attention to new prospective wars (Georgia, Taiwan or the Phillippines are possibilities, and they will be sold the same way this war was in the press) and throws Ukraine in the trash, used up. Remember how long the Afghan government lasted after the US left?

I'm going to look one move ahead and predict you don't respond to this post with an argument, or facts. instead it's going to be 1 or 2 emojis. prove me wrong.
yes Hiram, the US and Israel are liable to whack anybody, or imprison them like Julian Assange, no matter how incendiary the acts are an no matter how much closer it gets us to another World War. Looks like France and Germany are starting to pull away a bit from this disaster in the making--they actually support the show of independence by the cowed International Criminal Court in indicting not just Hamas but Netanyahu for War Crimes. baby steps. and Biden is outraged of course. Trump would not be any better, and those are our "choices". The DNC might arrange a succession, announcing that tragically Biden cannot fulfill his duties any longer and is being replaced by some younger party hack.
>I'm going to look one move ahead and predict you don't respond to this post with an argument, or facts. instead it's going to be 1 or 2 emojis. prove me wrong.

Looks like someone took the bait. :-P

When will you understand? The more you react to emojis, the lower is probability I'll be at your service like if you were providing my paycheck. Asked any Palestinian who has been reading the Off Topic here if I'm not condemning Biden's support of the corrupted prime minister?


By the way, why you do not need to condemn putina??? Killling political opponents, journalists is your idea of what the world should be?


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