
Would you recommend a phone platform that is not iPhone or Android?

iPhone too costly for me. I like Android, but it's constant suggestions and self-promotion is glaring.
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there was this prank (or hoax) about a new feature of iphone 8

When iPhone 8 released there was this new thing named "Wave"

It was a thing that allowed your iphone to be "charged" by microwave frequencies.

It gives me an urge to laugh when i want to think about the reaction of people when they saw their iphone go BANG!!! because they put it in the microwave.

Very evil indeed, Now kids, Do not put phones in your microwave or it will go BOOM!!!!!!

I mean, Who knew a prank could do so much damage?

First, it looked so real people did it.

Second, It went viral on twitter

Third, there were already tons of articles about this hoax

And last but not least, Many people lost their money and their recently bought iphone because of misinformation.
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@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> iPhone too costly for me. I like Android, but it's constant suggestions and self-promotion is glaring.
google pixel

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