
losing your life in chess

do you ever feel that chess is not worth spending our limited time on this planet? so much time and energy for nothing. playing online makes you tired and empty. tried to quit several times, yet it somehow takes you back, like an annoying drug.
i wish I would never have started :-(
It's how we enjoy our free time.

Nobody is making you play it.

You choose to.
Try something different, how about fishing?
I understand this entirely. Some days I cannot play a single game so instead I might play a puzzle or get destroyed by stockfish 8 just because I don't feel like competition. I also watch videos of people who I enjoy watching not because it's the best chess video, but because I can actually watch it and disengage myself from playing, I like "Chess Network" because Jerry actually makes me laugh out loud. Also, Liches TV is great if you want to be a voyeur. I like to watch King of the Hill and Crazy house; it never fails to interest me. As for wasting time, i do not consider meditation and problem solving a waste of time as long as you can sustain yourself.
I'm also too obsessed with it and neglect my life responsibilities pretty badly. And I'm not even good at chess
@balashov303 said in #1:

> do you ever feel that chess is not worth spending our limited time on this planet? so much time and energy for nothing. playing online makes you tired and empty. tried to quit several times, yet it somehow takes you back, like an annoying drug.
> i wish I would never have started :-(


Do you ever feel like life is not worth spending our limited time on this planet? So much time and energy for nothing. Paying to win in life makes you tired and unhappy. Tried to quit several times, yet it somehow takes you back, like an annoying drug.

I wish I would never have started :-(
You're right..maybe we should spend less time on chess..and let's focus on performance not time!
Quality before Quantity.
If the Pieces have nowhere to go they don't help you.
If time is not well spent there is no use having much of it.
Play less but be more focused.

Yeah there is that thing called life too...
Maybe Common Sense is underrated.

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