
Lichess Software is Making Moves For Me Dropping a Piece Before I Finish Placing It by Drag & Drop

In my recent game online, while trying to drag and drop a piece (actually, first when trying move my bishop and then later in the game my queen in the next incidence), there was what looked like a connection error or bug causing a move to be made which I did not want or do. My network connection at the time seemed very suspicious as my busy icon was spinning while I grabbed a queen. But before I could actually finish doing it, the program just went ahead a made a move for me, and then when I tried completing my original move, it appeared as a pre-move for my next move (a move of my queen twice in a row).

BUG INCIDENCE #1: If you go to the game to move 19 where Black plays a5, the move I wanted to make was 20. Be1 ; instead after trying to drag the bishop to e1, the Lichess online software somehow executed the move 20. Bf2, which makes no sense - though it might appear as a mouse slip - it was not. I still had possession of the bishop.

BUG INCIDENCE #2: This same problem with drag and drop occurred later in the game with my queen. After move my opponent played 46. ... Ba6 , I could clearly see his intention to play 47. ... Bd3 + and although dangerous looking as it seems, it still would not be a problem since (a) my queen was already protecting from a Bd3+ by Black and (b), I could see the upcoming sequence tactic I had was favorable with a check with option to always retreat my rook back to the 3rd rank protecting against Black's move Bd3+. Hence, I played to make to move 47. Qg8+ K-moves to be followed by 48. Qxf7+ etc! Instead, the software placed (dropped!) my queen to g5, 47. Qg5. Horror. This allowed the move 47. ... Bd3+ and fortunately, this is not checkmate and after 48. Ka1, the move 48. ... Qc1 is not checkmate! So after my opponent played 48. ... Bf2, I was able to continue but this time I saw I could win another way (for sure) by playing 49. Rh8+, Kd7 50 Qd8#.

This type of network bug and cutting short my move seemed to happen in an earlier game too, but now I do not remember the details to be sure. But definitely, here is a drag and drop problem of the software which needs to be fixed. I cannot say I enjoyed this game even if I won (just more relieved), but upset that it mistook my moves at least twice.
Sounds like your mouse is busted. It's sometimes possible to fix (google your mouse model + "click problem"), or you might need a new one.

In the meantime you may want to click on the start/end squares rather than click and drag so you don't need to worry about the piece being dropped prematurely.
#2 Indeed, I see similar things using my mouse which sometimes accidentally releases the button.
Cyanfish, thanks for your suggestion on using the click start/end squares when using the mouse. But I rather suspect the problem was not with the mouse itself since before these incidences (previous days and other games), it hadn't happened like this plus I'm using a simple hardwired, non-wireless mouse - but maybe that could be causing a problem if I ever had cases where the mouse wire was stuck under the keyboard and got stuck; but I'm not remembering any such problem when those incidences occurred above. Anyways, I'll try the click start /stop method more often when making moves. Thanks.

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