
blitz (5+0) rating variations: something strange

Dear Staff, after playing more than 600 blitz games, I noticed something which seems surely true: when I win a game my + variation is always a bit less then my - variation when I lose a game.
For istance: +4 -5 or +5 -6, +8 -9 and so on....
Can you please explain how is the algorythm working?
Actually it seems more penalizing then rewarding, but it should be just equal.
I mean when there are more or less the same rating differences with my opponent. After more than 600 games the final balance is more penalizing.
Most likely explanation is that it's just your perception where you simply tend to notice similar differences in your favor less likely. About the same as every now an then someone complains about getting black color way more often; always it turns out that the difference is negligible and quite often they actually have more games played with white than with black.

Simply speaking, the rating update depends mostly on the difference betweeen you and your opponent; but the rating deviation (measure of reliability of your rating) also plays a role: the higher your rating deviation is (your rating is less reliable), the bigger the updates are (in either direction). And it's the opposite for your opponent's rating deviation: the higher it is, the smaller the update (again, in either direction) so that an update based on an unreliable rating does not affect your rating too much.

For more detailed description of the Glicko-2 system, see
still waiting for a Staff feedback, I insist on the topic following last game where my opponent had just about 30 rating points less then me but upon me losing on time I lost 6 rating point, this is really unacceptable, normally I lose 6 point only when losing with opponents having at least 100 rating points less than me.... in the opposite event (me winning with upsaid opponent 30 point difference) I'd gained 3/4 points.... as already said, this is too much penalizing, the reward is less than the loss, unacceptable
@Sicilian67 said in #4:
> normally I lose 6 point only when losing with opponents having at least 100 rating points less than me
Are you sure? In your latest game against Kakashi_lightening, you lost 6 points of rating by losing against an opponent with rating lower by 50 points (2282 vs 2232). Just 2 hours ago you lost 6 points of rating by losing against BagNi98 who was 18 points rating lower (2272 vs 2290). 14 hours ago you gained 6 points of rating by winning against crash14081987 who was 6 points lower than you (2278 vs 2272) while your opponent lost 6 points of rating in the same game. 16 hours ago you lost against Bukanero who had rating lower by 36 points (2281 vs 2245) and you lost 7 points of rating. Do I need to continue or are four examples enough to illustrate how much can our perception differ from real data?
instead of replying the Staff sends here bullshit telling trolls which can't even be blocked... this clarifies everything.
No more playing on this site and hoping as much players as possible will read here.
I go to play in fairer sites.
> Staff sends here bullshit telling trolls
Nobody sent me... I was just tempted to check how well do your claims match reality and when I did, I commented on what I saw.

> I go to play in fairer sites.
/me shrugs
It seems this post has shifted from seeking answers (which one user provided) to insults.

This is not tolerated on lichess.

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