
Novelty! C54 Italian Game: Classical Variation, Greco Gambit, Moeller-Therkatz Attack,12. Rf4!

12. Bg5 line give advantage for black but 12.Rf4 give good changes for white ( position equal but black need find best moves)
Very good! (Though I don’t play the 7. Nc3 line very much, I mostly play 7. Bd2)
I don't understand. On the very next move after your novelty, you let black repeat the position. How does that give white good winning chances ?
@Palamede ıf your opponent repeat the position you can try Bg5 liine ( with 15. Re3! ( Re1 also good ))
but ıf your opponent play be6 play Re3)
OK, I see what you mean, give the opponent a chance to play the variation that you want and if he repeats instead, then you go back to another line.
It makes some sense, though I think it means you have more preparation to do.

Thanks for the idea!

I think that 12...a6! is the best answer to 12.Rf4. It prevents Bb5 which wins back the exchange on e8 in the Rxf6 lines. In some lines black can play b5 and develop his bishop to b7.

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