
forfeit deadline for players absent from Swiss tournaments

what about a forfeit deadline for players absent from Swiss tournaments ?

its unrespectful to leave the game or not to play any move and let your opponent to wait. IRL this could be treated as a breach of the rules of fair play

moreover in normal games when your opponents leave the game you can you can declare a win or a draw
@alex52100 said in #1:
> moreover in normal games when your opponents leave the game you can you can declare a win or a draw
And then you still have to wait the same time to the next round.
@sheckley666 said in #2:
> And then you still have to wait the same time to the next round.

Nope if you declare the win then in arena you're automatically apparied to an other player . and in normal game you simply can launch a new game . But in swiss tournament the time run out and you can't do anything about it
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@sheckley666 said in #5:
> My quote was bad, I wanted to refer to Swiss tournaments.

oh ok ! np... yeah for example for 30 minutes classical swiss if your opponent doesnt play you wait 30 minutes then you came to the waiting room and if some players use all their time to think correctly then you have to wait 30 minutes more... I don't blame these one. you can use all your time to think and play but it's not normal to not playing any move or to leave without resign . question of respect...
I think a lot of the problems in the swiss tournament system could be solved (or at least reduced a lot) pretty easily. Simply have the system check before each round to see if users are on line. If not - they are not paired that round and maybe even automatically withdrawn from the tournament. Another option would be to require each participant to click an "I'm here" button at the start of each round when pairings are being set up.

This is not such a big deal for blitz or rapid tournaments (though still annoying), but I've basically given up on participating in the Lichess Swiss Classical tournaments because of the ridiculous number of players who enter and then never play their games. Many times people simply forget but it still results in wasting my time.

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