
Where is 'Dark Lord' Amy?

Where is 'Dark Lord' Amygladae??I miss him.He was the source of entertainment on this site.
Он накрылся медным тазом.Ему откусили член собаки.
Haha, you must be a seriously old player.

Legend is still alive and kicking. The other ones left the site, and xiaoqiao was a cheater. As for Amy... he has made a couple of forays into the site but not much beyond that.
hehe. I have been on Lichess since december 2011. there are allot of memories I have had about this great site

I have been on on lichess since Dec.2010 with my other accounts.I have lost password of my other accounts and only this one remains.

Amy was the source of fun because of his forum posts.Legend was the good guy.
And finally,where are smiling_bishop and mb?
Они все умерли в страшных шахматных судорогах.Остался только я ,потому что не люблю шахматы.
Haha, join the club. :)

Bishop has been travelling for a while and rarely comes on anymore. Mb left aaages ago, to do, uh, I don't know, stoner things?

Just had a big ol' nostalgia trip, thanks Swastika. :)
I always thought Gaylord/Darklord Amy was female :/

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