
Caro-Kann Sidelines for White for Long Advantage?

White has like a billion ideas in the Advance Caro so you might find something there
You don't have any games with LiChess on this account with that line. If you had some, I'd analyze your opponents using and see which variations they do badly against.

Stockfish thinks 6.Be2 is the best move, not d4. There's lots of variations that can occur in the line you gave.

In the variation you do play, 5...Nxf6+ isn't the best move. 5...Qe2 is the best move, both by winning percentage and according to stockfish.
If you want to play for long term factors, then you should play 3.e5. Space advantage is as long term as you can hope for.
@PizzaTonno Are there any particular lines you like that don't get too wild?

@StingerPuzzles Yeah, I don't play much on here; I play the two knights about half the time, it's a funny statistic that I'd never have played it here! I wonder if there is some deep-seated psychological reason haha I always play Two Knights for slower games. Edit: Oh nevermind, I see every time I played the Two Knights on here they exchanged immediately. So boring :(

I've never heard of that site before, I'll see what it says! I ran it, and it says I'm the worst against CK and Scandi >:| Then French ofc
If you don't wanna get too wild, you can just play it like a french with e4 d4 d5 Cf3 Be2. 4.h4 is kinda amusing too but if you're not into wild lines then there is no helping that I guess.
After 3.e5 Bf5 I like the early 4.Nd2 5.Nb3. That variation makes it a little bit uncomfortable to get in an early c5. (If he goes for it he often has to give away the bishop pair in exchange.) But in most games black plays these positions really slow and White can just improve his space advantage with Le2, 0-0 and then a2-a4-a5.
Ok thanks, I will check these out! I have heard of the Tal Variation as being really wild, at least in the past. If I go for the Advance, what are suggestions for the Botvinnik-Carls? Is this thing with a3-b4 still considered good, that looks like a Winawer?

I am also looking at the Accelerated Panov Attack. It seems like a Panov position where you cheat and avoid the Be6/endgame lines, but also you don't get the Greek Gift/g6 weakening motifs. It looks kinda similar to some Russian positions from the Kaufman Attack, but with a pawn on e6 instead of c6.
Euwe attack (1. e4 c6 2. b3) is a variation which might confuse even experienced black players. The idea is that white can sacrifice e-pawn for initiative and quick development. Of course, black can be ensured equality, however, a game would turn into positions that are not typically reached in other variations, therefore, it should work very well under short time control.
@kalnap Is this the line you're talking about?

1. e4 c6 2. b3 d5 3. Bb2 dxe4 4. Ne2 Bf5 5. Nbc3 e6 6. Ng3 Nf6 7. Qe2 Nbd7 8. Ngxe4 Qa5 9. g3 Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. Bg2 O-O 12. O-O

With 4. Nc3 transposing, then regaining the pawn soon. I ran through some of the computer lines, it has the flavor of what I'm looking for, but even though black will have little prep it seems very hard to make a mistake. The structures are -so- static, I think you'll just have piece-shuffling and trades until black can expand a bit, and white will be fine but positionally defending a major piece or major+bishops middle game. If black goes for h5-h4-h3 stuff then white is probably doing good, looks spicy!

Is there a different strategy?

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