
Effective Home remedies to treat cold/cough

@Hellochess987 said in #1:
> Common cold
oh i hope you’ll get better soon!

soo my home remedies are simple and sweet :)

Hot Green Tea with Honey
Hot Milk with butter

my grandma always prepared those to me when i’m sick
I catched a cold just by reading those sneeze topics all of the sudden! This is not coincidence.
buy Pharma stocks and die well.
May god preserve your soul, amen.
Lots of rest and drink enough water to stay well hydrated. Avoid junk food and sweets.
It helps to heat your sinuses a bit as the cold virus cannot survive slightly higher temperatures there.
get a steamer and several times/day breath warm steam into sinuses as deep as you can.
And at nite,
wear a headband [like skiiers do] or a watch cap down across your sinuses to keep them warmer. They wont get as stuffy that way.

Plus: as soon as you have symptoms, extra rest, sleep, good nutrition, lots of warm drinks.
Plus: get a flu shot. I dont know why, but I get many fewer colds after I started getting flu vaccinations.
Plus: if it's going around, walk the stairs rather than cram into an elevator packed with people.
Plus: if your eyes itch, run them with the back of your wrist, not your fingers.
red tea with ginger.
In winter, wash your face twice in the morning. First with warm water to get clean, then with cold to shock the sinuses and get them ready for the change of temperature when you go outside. Don't know why, but it seems to work.