
Everybody, who aborts a game, loses this game.

1. I misclicked only 2-3 times for few years on Lichess. And it was before I started using filters.
2. If your opponent doesn't make a move, you should abort the game. It's obvious.
3. Misclicks happens. It's not an offence. But you must be as accurate as you can to vastly reduce them.

What you say there about me not playing real chess? Should you stop, maybe, or should we talk about you not living real life?

In this topic I say about those, who:
1. Don't use filters.
2. Don't check is the game casual or not, before joining.
3. Abort games if they get black color.
4. Abort games, if they decide that rating of the opponent is too high. And etc.

If your case isn't one of these four, and you just misclick sometimes, then you shouldn't be punished.
But such misclicks happens really rare if you are accurate and diligent.
I think we can make a summarize on this topic.
The last time I misclicked a game seek was few months ago. I aborted the game, my opponent quit the game window, but I still said "Sorry". This is what distinguishes those, who are annoying losers, and those, who just accidentally misclicked. If you really just made a mistake, say sorry, and nobody will punish you, or be angry at you.
Those, who abort games and just leave them, are losers and cowards.
So what exactly you propose here?
Some kind of an automated system that recognizes if a player who aborts a game says sorry? Otherwise be punished.
There are millions of things that can be annoying, if you let them be annoying to you. Not all of this things can be solved with technology.

The only right response if your opponent aborts the game, for what reason ever, is to click "New opponent".

But maybe it would help to add a macro that automatically excuses in behalf of the aborting player so no one will be offended.

Here are some random examples that could be used:

-"Sorry dude, my wife got home, gtg."
-"Jesus, Boss is lurking, better get back to work. Cya!"
-"Ohhh nooo, I will never beat your majesty, I will cowardly move back into my hole."
-"Uhhhm, did I just click this? No I didn't. I am quite sure I didn't."
-"My mommy prohibited me to play guys with names like yours!"
-"What just happened?!???!! Last I remember was to eat some tasty cheese. Now I am here?!?!? Where is my cheeeeese gone!???!?111!"
-"Ohhh crap! Just missed my train station!"
-"ooohnoabulletpro. He will soooooo flag me. Nononononogottogooo"
@ jorjo -> A conduct that consists in creating a random colored game, waiting your opponent to join, once joined you are assigned black, and then abandoning and creating a new game until you are assigned white, should be punished. It is quite simple to program it. Maybe a few points less or a 5 min time-out. Of course we are speaking about repetitive behavior.

Same happens if opponent doesn't meets your "glicko expectations", or if you don't like that opponent because maybe you use to lose against him, and so on.

Your last post maybe is funny in your house, but it clearly exposes your trolling attitude. If you enter in a serious conversation, in a serious forum, in a serious web, and you find respectful people discussing about one topic, you have to options, don't write anything, or show the same respect to the others. Maybe you think you are clever than the others or the funniest guy in the Galaxy. Believe me, answer is NO.

When some of you criticize Chesstroll about what is real chess or not real chess, only show how ignorants you are and how superior you consider yourselves among the other human beings. This usually exposes a hidden inferiority disorder that needs to be covered with those kind of statements you write, most of them fallacies, well chosen.
You might not like my sense of humor. That is fine with me.
Still I can assure you, that was not supposed to be a troll post at all.
I wanted to make a point here. Showing that there can be million reasons why someone could abort a game.
So we can not conclude that every aborted game is a loss for the one, who aborts it, as it was proposed by the op.
Sure there could be ways to track repetitive behavior and punish it. But to what end? Another dozen topics in the forum each week where people feel threatened unfair?
But you are right, maybe I am not serious enough about the web. and I want to apologize to Chesstroll_Ingot for my "trolling attitude". I did not mean to be disrespectful.

As for your last passage:
I wonder where you conclude I criticize Chesstroll for what he thinks is real chess.
Actually I do like and share his behavior.
To me it happened once(!) as well I miss clicked and yes I did say sorry.
And another million times I had to abort cause the opponent just did not show up or move.
So probably after this repetitive behavior tracking thing installed, colorpickers will start to not move and force the opponent to abort, which then needs to be punished as well, leading to more complains in the forum. They would start to abandon the game not aborting, which needs to be punished as well. Leading to more complains from people who just have a lousy internet connection.

So my conclusion is. There are way to much options for people to annoy you if the want to, and somehow abuse the rules. And if you try to punish it automatically, you will always punish innocent people as well.

To me it is more reasonable to treat such things with simply avoiding to play this people, once you are sure they do try to abuse the system.
"So what exactly you propose here?
Some kind of an automated system that recognizes if a player who aborts a game says sorry? Otherwise be punished."

No, I didn't mean to ban, or deprive rating points for aborting games. It was mostly just satire in its first form.

But I many times said on the forum: "Make a big red window that will, like a banner, force people to use filters".
Because in my case I play a lot of casual, and I see the next picture:
1. Opponent joins my game.
2. Aborts it.
3. Right after that they play a game, which is rated (but of the same time control, color doesn't matter, strength of the opponent doesn't matter).
It shows clearly, that they:
1. Don't use filters.
2. Because most of the players play rated games, they just are used to it, and joining my seek, they think it's a rated too.
This is just discourteous behavior, and I was talking mostly about this.
The solution could be at least to create a big banner saying somewhere on the main page: "Use filters properly".

The other case is what JaSaSeRa is talking about. When people do this: abort a game for winning better color, they cheat. It's bad for the rating system.

So, while this all needs some solutions, I still mean as well, that if someone aborts your game and doesn't say "sorry", he is a loser and coward. Even if you cannot say sorry right in the game chat, you can do it later in private message.

All, who don't do that, are too small, and hide a wood goblin inside themselves.

"So we can not conclude that every aborted game is a loss for the one, who aborts it, as it was proposed by the op."

Yes, we can. Not technically a loss, as I said in my first answer, but physiologically a loss.

If an opponent aborts your game right after start, and doesn't say sorry after that (doesn't matter whether immediately or later in private message), they are inferior.

OK, no problem, I get your point and you are right sometimes solutions are worse than problems.

But it is totally frustrating:

PD: Another classical abandon I'm thinking about is when opponent doesn't like your first piece move. To be honest Ingot is totally right. This guys are rubbish and attending to Darwin their descendants will be extinct in the next centuries.
As I supposed. Checking my insights, I have played 1.165 games as white and 1.224 as black. I have never chosen a color, I always choose random.

It is the living proof.

I guess cheating to chose the color of the peaces by abandoning it's a dirty trick, scam, and should be controlled. I don't think it would be complex and it worths.

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