
Why 1200 are better than 1500 +?

Happens all the time. Some players are bursting at their absolute peak at 1500 and are having a bad day. And then sometimes a 1200 who plays casually will have a good day. It also depends on your play, style openings etc..

It's the same at all levels. I'm sure some players laugh at me when a 1400 comes along and smashes me all over the place. Sometimes you just make a horrible blunder and then your position falls apart, or you are really tired, or your computer is sluggish and you lose on time.

People are too quick judge people based on their ratings and the way they play for one or two games. Everyone has off days.

Why did you say that? We've never played have we?

I only takeback if genuine mouseslip, casual games only. As for resigning that depends on the position / opponent and my mood at the time.

Bit uncalled for that Hangrad.
@rickrenegade you have been marked for making many bunders... that's strange. I have never seen anyone getting marked for this. How many blunders does it take to get this label?
Depends on how they play out the game. I beat an FM today but mainly because he blundered, so it really depends on how you know the opening played by your opponent, their techniques, and their goal. ( not to brag but the LM blundered and missed the way out of checkmate )

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