
Forum trolling problems

There are forum trolls that spam downvote on every post in the forum. Is there a way so that chatbanned players can't put emotes into forums either? Because by using emotes, you are still sending messages technically.

In fact, I would even advocate that when people are chatbanned, they see the same interface as regular lichess, but they are effectively in kid mode, so while they can see forums, their posts won't be seen. They can PM people but their PMs won't be seen. They can only create teams.
A part of existing on the internet is learning to ignore trolls. Seeing a downvote on your post from a troll shouldn't perturb you, just ignore it - It's from a troll after all! In my book, when the troll cannot post anymore (chatbanned), their ability to wreak havoc has been revoked. Who cares about the emotes!

You cannot see the posts of chatbanned people and you will not receive messages from chatbanned people (at least you won't be notified of the messages and they won't appear in your inbox).
Incorrect: If you click on the message icon from aceno0b's profile, you will see messages he sent you. But they cannot be found in the inbox and you do not get notifications when you receive them. So if you aren't looking for them, you cannot find them. It is only when you open the conversation with the chatbanned person that you can see messages they sent you.
So yes, they can DM you, but you can only see their messages if you look for them by opening the conversation between the chatbanned player in question and you.
This is not a place for naming and shaming. Keep your personal beef to yourself. Report it if necessary.

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