
Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?

Amazing to me how people can believe that their religion is the true religion and all the others are wrong. while all these religions were created within the last thousands of years. And of all the billions of years and perhaps infinite planets/ potential life out there and that your ideas that are here are the truth.This is just a small bit of reasoning. It’s strange to me how common sense isn’t so common.
@GriffinDaBeast said in #23:
> Amazing to me how people can believe that their religion is the true religion and all the others are wrong. while all these religions were created within the last thousands of years. And of all the billions of years and perhaps infinite planets/ potential life out there and that your ideas that are here are the truth.This is just a small bit of reasoning. It’s strange to me how common sense isn’t so common.

what does other bunch of planets existing have to do with our religious beliefs? what do you belive in that you think what religious people belive doesnt make sense? there are so many planets and potential life ,you say,what does that have to do with anything?
@HiramHolliday said in #27:
> There are no gods.

How do you know that? Why wont u share with us the secret of existense and enlighten all of us
@GriffinDaBeast said in #28:
> @Oportunist id suggest rereading the second half of that sentence and think for a little bit about what it means

İ dont get it.could you explain how infinite planets and potential life has anything to do with religious beliefs?

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