
What is the most amaunt of money you would pay for Mona Lisa painting considering your income?

@Oportunist said in #14:
> finally someone who apreciates mona lisa,i dont want to go too far but mona lisa might be the best piece of art in history,besides that i am very atracted to you and it has nothing to do with the money you can afford for mona lisa,its all platonic
sir, I put in a negative number l
Gotta agree. Never saw what the fuss was about. I mean it's ok but da Vinci has several much better. I guess I'm just a philistine.
Nat King Cole sang a hit song Mona Lisa back in the days,the song is abaut the painting,do you know any other famous painting that became a subject to a hit song?i think you guys are underestimating the painting,please google image the painting and look at it one more time,the thing abaut mona lisa is that she smiles at the picture but yet if you look at it carefully,you will realize she is sad
@Akbar2thegreat said in #25:
> I have no idea how it became famous painting!

Leonardo da Vinci left the kingdoms of Italy for France, because the political situation of war with France had greatly weakened certain noble families who could no longer afford to pay da Vinci. da Vinci placed himself in the service of the King of France François I, a great lover of Italian art and who admired Leonardo. the king offered da vinci the castle of Clos Lucé, neighboring that of the king, Amboise. in his luggage, da vinci had taken the Mona Lisa (probably because the sponsor had not paid for it). After Leonardo's death, the Mona Lisa underwent many adventures, traveling with kings, surviving revolutions and wars and ending up in the Louvre.

the aura of the Mona Lisa is due to the fact that it is not a portrait like any other, some have seen symbolic signs in it, or the culmination of da Vinci's art. the smile, the Tuscan landscape, the position of the hands, have been subjects of controversy and research for centuries. this portrait is innovative, extremely visionary and deliberately mystical, in the sense that Leonardo was very erudite and intelligent in putting allegories and hidden messages
lol probably about 12$. I get $13 allowance every month ofc, it adds up.

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