
What are some good anti premove tricks?

If I am playing against an opponent that I notices premoves lots, is there some opening that I can play where I can punish his premove with an anti premove trap? Like there's some move that he's expecting me to do , for example because he just attacked a piece, and so I can bank on him doing a premove and perhaps play bishop takes c7 attacking his queen without support for the bishop and next move take his queen.
But how to set up that sort of a trap.
It isn't that easy, but you should PROVOKE their bigger pieces and if they (pre)move without saving their piece you can capture it. This has happened with me several times
Buy my chessable course, "Anticipate the Premove." There you will develop your pattern recognition for tempting premove traps.
I mean you pretty much laid it out in your post. People premove with the assumption that you won't make insane captures, so you can punish them by making insane captures. As for setting up the trap, just point your big pieces at defended targets.
@Splorer said in #4:
> I mean you pretty much laid it out in your post. People premove with the assumption that you won't make insane captures, so you can punish them by making insane captures. As for setting up the trap, just point your big pieces at defended targets.

Well I think I basically covered the mechanics of it in my OP however, let me explain more specifically what I'm looking for. I want to know an opening that's popular and where the mainlines are popular, where if your opponent premoves you can do one of these anti premove tricks, preferably in the first 5-7 moves. Right out of the opening.

Nothing pops into my mind for this but I don't know too much opening theory. So I was hoping that people that do could think of examples along these lines.
Just yesterday I won a free bishop by assuming my opponent would premove fianchetto (which is something I see a lot in bullet):

1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 Bh3 3. Bg2 (premove)
PREMOVING IS A HUGE RISK. You can premove a lot if you have lot of experiences in chess. but still you would be able to premove. you don't have to premove if you have enough time on the clock, it's not worth to take that risk.

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