
My opinion on transgenderism.

1) If transgenderism is considered a mental disorder, then trans operations are non-elective, and should be covered by insurance.

2) If transgenderism is not considered a mental disorder, then trans operations are elective, and should not be covered by insurance.

Whether or not it is a mental disorder is not for me to decide.
I am Straight but have no problem accepting transgender operation and the LGBT movement. Traditional sexual behavior had caused Overpopulation of 8 Billion, If abnormal sexual behavior can help in controlling overpopulation, let it be.
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Personally I don't care.Their lives are theirs to live as they see fit.
I don't think transgenderism is a mental disorder, I just think that some people feel so much of the opposite sex inside that if they have a chance to resemble like that on the outside too they take it.

I don't have a problem with that, I'm just a little bit worried that someday surgery could be so perfect that you won't be able to tell if a woman was once a man.
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@giancz91 said in #6:
> I don't think transgenderism is a mental disorder, I just think that some people feel so much of the opposite sex inside that if they have a chance to resemble like that on the outside too they take it.
> I don't have a problem with that, I'm just a little bit worried that someday surgery could be so perfect that you won't be able to tell if a woman was once a man.

I consider it just a personality disorder. They don't pose any threat to society and many of them are model citizens.
@pkill said in #7:
> @giancz91 if you can't tell, is that really a problem?

I refuse to answer to avoid to be terminated by some politically correct nazi.
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I don't know if it's a disorder or not, but it sure amuses me, know, those clowns in the circus....: )

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