
Illogical training moves by computer

I thought about Qf8 for black immediately because it looks like stopping the mate on g7 at first so it is the most logical move.
Taking the rook is no better, since that's also mate in 1 after Qg7, so it doesn't much matter.

Also, as Dolg pointed out, if not for the pin, Qf8 would prevent Qg7, so it's not so illogical.

If players miss the pin, they also might settle for taking the Queen, so it seems a solid training puzzle to me.

Just my two cents :)
What is the difference? No matter what Black does it is Qg7# on the next move.
If the rook is eliminated, it's a mate in 1. Blocking with the Queen is still a mate in 1, but I guess it's the move I'd play (hoping they'd miss the mate, take my queen with the rook, letting my king escape. )
This post is incorrect, the puzzle works, this post should be taken down

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