
Working Bughouse Prototype

Are you going to make any other variants any time soon?
I don't know why this poem of Hungarian poet Endre Ady came into my mind reading this thread:

A Hortobágy poétája

Kúnfajta, nagyszemű legény volt,
Kínzottja sok-sok méla vágynak,
Csordát őrzött és nekivágott
A híres magyar Hortobágynak.

Alkonyatok és délibábok
Megfogták százszor is a lelkét,
De ha virág nőtt a szivében,
A csorda-népek lelegelték.

Ezerszer gondolt csodaszépet,
Gondolt halálra, borra, nőre,
Minden más táján a világnak
Szent dalnok lett volna belőle.

De ha a piszkos, gatyás, bamba
Társakra s a csordára nézett,
Eltemette rögtön a nótát:
Káromkodott vagy fütyörészett.


The poet of the Hortobagy

He was a large-eyed, Hunnish youth,
smitten with many a fair mirage,
and with his herd he struck into
the famous Magyar Hortobágy.

Women and dreams have seized his soul
a thousand times with magic snare;
but when his heart would sprout a flower
the herds of cattle grazed it bare.

He often thought of wondrous things,
of wine and women, death and birth;
he could have been a holy bard
in any other land on earth.

But when he gazed upon the herds
and on the breeched, illiterate crowd,
straightway he buried all his songs;
he whistled or he swore aloud.
If anybody's still interested in seeing what it would be like, I finally got around to setting up a server with randomly paired Bughouse tournaments that I'll leave up for a short while here: . Threefolds and checkmates that require looking at both boards to detect are not implemented (in the latter case the clock will eventually take care of it). Also, I added chat to the tournaments, in which the default mode is talking to all other players in the game, not whispering to your partner.

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