
Songs about professions

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Put me in coach, I'm ready to play? Baseball
The wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald Sailors
Convoy Truck Drivers
Bonnie and Clyde bank robbers
Guitar Man professional guitar players
Taxi Taxi drivers
Commodores - Nightshift

The Commodores achieved their first major success after the departure of Lionel Richie with Nightshift in 1985. A truly wonderful tribute to soul legends Marvin Gaye and Jackie Wilson who were killed/passed away a year earlier.

For a long time it wasn't clear to me what "Nightshift" actually meant in context. But if I interpret it correctly, it is a metaphor for the kingdom of heaven, the paradise of God.
@Waiting4BirnamWood said in #46:
> Dire Straits - Money For Nothing

Today, the lyrics of this song would (rightly) cause widespread outrage due to their sexist and homophobic content.

As I found out on Wikipedia, Mark Knopfler came up with the idea for these lyrics after overhearing two craftsmen talking disparagingly and indignantly about musicians. They said something like this:
“Look at these idiots, they play terrible music on their pitiful guitars and these faggots get paid loads of money for it - and on top of that they can pick up all the hot girls!”

The result was a song that won a Grammy and a fantastic video that set new standards.

Just like back then, I really like the beginning of the song with the drum solo – it hits deep in the pit of your stomach!
And please stop the video at minute 0:47 and look at what a monstrous setup drummer Terry Williams is sitting in. This is absolutely impressive!

And I think it's funny that Sting (of course unmistakable) is there as a guest singer.
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