
The exportert PGN from this chapter can't be read by ChessX, Tarrasch nor ScidvsPC

I just tried it myself with ScidvsPC. Apparently ScidvsPC has problems with the eval and their notation. By the way, are you German?
I recommend to delete or remove the comments/analysis!
In the PGN export there is an extra variation (10... Bg4 11. O-O) inserted in the wrong place before the move 10... Bf5. It should be after. Its not visible in the analysis board above, only in the PGN export. Looks like a Lichess bug to me.
Did you import the PGN to Lichess or did you manually enter the moves?
I might have imported it. I run my analysis usually on both main platforms. My problem was that I couldn’t create a new chapter in the study from the mobile app. So I started punching in my moves on chessdotcom and copied later the pgn to Lichess.
All comments and variations were created in Lichess.
Let’s see if I can reproduce it.
@Mendelfist said in #3:
> Its not visible in the analysis board above, only in the PGN export.

In the embedded board, true, but if you go to the study page, it is visible.

> Looks like a Lichess bug to me.

Yes, although if Lichess is going to allow variations in the wrong place like that, how else would it indicate that in the PGN? It seems like Lichess should probably just not allow misplaced variations (although then there is a question of what to do with studies like this one that already have them). The only place I can think of where that might be useful is at the very end of the game where you might want to put in a variation of how the game might have continued, but don't want to make it the main line. When I want to do that, I will just make a variation starting with the same move as the main line. I do remember Lichess engine analysis got confused by that, although it seems to be fine now. Perhaps a side effect of fixing that bug was allowing misplaced variations in the middle of the game.
@AsDaGo said in #6:
> Yes, although if Lichess is going to allow variations in the wrong place like that, how else would it indicate that in the PGN? It seems like Lichess should probably just not allow misplaced variations

I agree. It seems to be illegal according to the PGN specification so at least they should be filtered out when exporting:
"The alternate move sequence given by an RAV is one that may be legally played by first unplaying the move that appears immediately prior to the RAV."
The game is not valid. The question is how Lichess imported it, not exported it. After 9...O-O there are three variations, one of which starts with 10... Bg4 11. O-O . Obviously Black can't play twice.

This error is immediately displayed if you install LiChess Tools and try to import the PGN in Analysis Board or in PGN Editor if you try any operation on the PGN other than Count.
When there is more than one comment in succession, the generated pgn cannot be read by SCID and ChessPad.

sucession: { ... } { ... } { ... }

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