
How cold can be your revenge?

@A_Dragon_Riding_King said in #13:
> Its been said that revenge is a dish best served cold. Its also been said that revenge is sweet. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that revenge is ice cream.
I think that revenge is served cold but real revange is served warm.
So I think it is lava chocolade cake.
@KevinWZG said in #20:
> in kaatsheuvel is the famous, oldest and biggest sprookjesbos

O yeah!?
We'll just have too see about that, won't we??
@Bladerduck said in #22:
> O yeah!?
> We'll just have too see about that, won't we??
i was there one week ago.
@Bladerduck said in #24:
> My sympathies.
> Hope you get well soon.
i'm not sick
(maybe i don't understand your joke/sarcasm because i only could speak Dutch good)
@KevinWZG said in #25:
> why?
> i'm not sick
> (maybe i don't understand your joke/sarcasm because i only could speak Dutch good)

It wasn't sarcasm, by the way. Irony, maybe.
I guess that kind of makes your guess a good guess.
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