
How can I see the exact day I played a game on

I wanted to see when exactly I played a game about 1 month ago and I cant see the exact day I played
When you open the game and hover your mouse pointer over the "1 month ago" text in the summary (top left panel of the page), it shows exact date and time (with granularity of one minute).
Mouse over is the fast way.

You can also look at the pgn in the game share / export section. Useful if you are on mobile and don't have a mouse to hover over the date description.
@mkubecek said in #3:
> When you open the game and hover your mouse pointer over the "1 month ago" text in the summary (top left panel of the page), it shows exact date and time (with granularity of one minute).

Thank you very much
I found out later that I didn't need it so fast :)

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