
#Unbanmyaccount topic update!

It's been 3-4 days still waiting for response!
@TOMS123 ask which game u cheated ask them to give game link because if u manipulate ur rating according to my knowledge u mustn't get this ban it should have been written this guy increases or decreases rating the ban u got is usually for people who use engine so ask them which game u cheated

I already wrote but didn't get replied
@TOMS123 said in #5:
> I already wrote but didn't get replied
hmm but discussing this in forums might lead u in getting another called chat ban so i think u mustn't bring this in forums

Then what to do you tell!
Don't I have right to fight again wrong things?
Lichess should show me strong proof to prove my ban
If they will chat ban me no problem but I want my account back!
By writing in forum I want to show to everybody that what's going on in lichess in these days...
if u didn't do anything u should but this is not the way as i have seen many got ban for telling this many tmes in forum so telling u for ur good only
Thanks for thinking for me ..
But you tell how to wait?
I need my account!

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