
Correspondence chess tournaments

It would be great if there were correspondence chess tournaments on the Lichess, with the same rules as on the chess com
@FairSincereGirl said in #2:
> That would take too long
Yes it is. These tournaments can go on for years. On chess com, these tournaments have hundreds of players and dozens (maybe hundreds) of tournaments going on at the same time.
ICCF, GameKnot, Lecheniccher Chess Server and others, have those correspondence chess tournaments.
Some of them have the rule that the inconcluse games could be adjudicated, after a previously specified date have been reached. Also, have limits to the maximum amount of time that could accumulate the clock and the maximum time to send your move, regardless the accumulated time. Also, nobody could ask vacations during the tournament and the players must have a minimum of finished games and a high percentage of game completion.
I am really desperate for this. The only games I play are correspondence games and tournaments in correspondence would be the perfect addition here.

I don't understand the people who are against this under this post. You don't have to play it! It is very strange really has it and there are plenty of people who love it.
They are probably concerned that hosting Corr tourneys would lead to Crookery (and they are probably right).

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