
approaching to the various time controls

I can't get what I am missing. In bullet and rapid I am, atm, over 2000. In training on lichess I am around 2200, but in blitz I usually strive to get 1800.

I'm probably missing something about the approach to this particular intermediate time control.

I am asking this because it is something that isn't debated in books: what are the main differences about approaching to bullet/blitz/rapid, in your opinion?

Bullet and blitz are more competitive here than rapid and classical. So in the stronger pool the rating is lower.
Also in blitz it is not enough to play well, you must avoid to get flagged in winning positions. I bet you do better in blitz with increment, where you cannot get flagged easily.
I suffer from the same problem. You can't play in two minds. a) fast as you can for bullet. b) concentrate hard as you can looking for the best move in rapid. As was said above blitz is definately the strongest pool of players too.
P.S. you've only played 5 games in Rapid so that rating doesn't mean anything
Oh, hello, @eydiab , take a look at my ratings, it's an even worse case of your problem. Each player with their many strong and weak points which, combined, make those differences very common.
tpr is right.
Bullet and blitz are more competitive here than rapid and classical. So in the stronger pool the rating for you is lower.
Blitz is killing me - being in the 1700s when i'm 1900 - 2000 in all others hurts
Yeah, true that blitz and bullet fields are more competitive than rapid and classical ones.
That doesn't explain why i am 2070 in bullet and 1749 in blitz, thou

@tpr it isn't so much a flagging problem. In bullet I often am the one who flags :P

@rickrenegade yeah, I know. I play in other sites too, the rating is kinda the same as this provisional one

I think that my main issue is that I don't really know how to manage the time. In classical/rapid I feel that I have the time to think about kinda everything I need (tactics, position, strategy etc). In bullet I just play what I feel that the position needs, without spending too much time on calculations.
But in blitz? Do you guys focuse more on tacticts, strategy, positional understanding or what? Compared to bullet, for example

Thanks to everybody, btw :D

I hate to lower the tone and be a whinger but most cheaters also play around the 5 minute level and that affects ratings. They need enough time to use their engines, but are impatient people so this is the most common time setting.

Have you ever played a player who is making perfect comp moves every time (0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, 0 blunders) in a 3 minute or less game but you go on to flag them because they're taking too long waiting for their engine?
Never happened to me. Fortunately, people doing this is usually suddendly banned :D

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