
Future sciences

The idea is to come up with new avenues that might justify the financial and spiritual backing of universities.
This is absolutely not the best brainstorming community for this.
As Paul Feyerabend, the festive philosopher of science put it:

Anything goes.

Some scientists frown on philosophers, but don't mind them, they're only being a little autistic. Give them a good pill to swallow:)
Personally, I desperately need extensive delving into the notions of the "freudian slap" and the philosophical concept of "underwear dialectics", but this is highly personal, I realise that.
I'm not ready for underwear dialectics.
I'm afraid that emotional factors may confuse my rational thinking and cloud my judgement.
That's fine, don't be too quick with it, it can be difficult, although there's some luck involved. If you happen to meet the perfect partner straight away it might happen all by itself, but sometimes you pick the wrong one and that's dangerous.
I'm interested in knownothingology myself. I sincerely desire to become a simple mind, in stead of some intellectual poet-fighter. I don't think I'm the only one. In south america and africa they seem to be much further with this than us fucked up westerners.
I for one, for instance, am proud member of the most insanely dysfunctional family you've ever seen:)
Being loco might be fine in Acapulco, but in the sh*thole I inhabit it leads to beating your head against the concrete walls.

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