
Rating not refunded

<Comment deleted by user>
Did your friend have provisnal ratting? This is directly from -
One minute after a player is marked, their 40 latest rated games in the last 3 days are taken. If you are their opponent in those games, you lost rating (because of a loss or a draw), and your rating was not provisional, you get a rating refund.
> The refund is capped based on your peak rating and your rating progress after the game.
> (For example, if your rating greatly increased after those games, you might get no refund or only a partial refund.)

By the time the player was banned (we don't know) your friend played other 3 games with a total score of +7 +4 -6 -2 = +3. Which is more than the -2 lost vs the cheater. Which means that the system may have decided that your friend didn't need to be refunded. Besides, the fact that their peak rapid rating is very close to their current rating may have contributed to the decision.

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