
Game number 25,000 vs a GM

I'm on the verge of reaching 25,000 games here on lichess. At the time of writing I have 30 games left to play. I'm hoping to play a GM for that game. Any takers? Would be a great honor for me. Could be rated or unrated, doesn't matter. I will more than likely lose, but it would be one of the highlights of my lichess career.

One love
@JamaicanHypeMan said in #1:
> I'm on the verge of reaching 25,000 games here on lichess. At the time of writing I have 30 games left to play. I'm hoping to play a GM for that game. Any takers? Would be a great honor for me. Could be rated or unrated, doesn't matter. I will more than likely lose, but it would be one of the highlights of my lichess career.
> One love

Unfortunately, not a lot of titled players let alone Grandmasters hang around the Lichess forums. Try keeping an eye out for Grandmasters hosting simultaneous exhibitions:
I understand that a simul is an option. I might have to go that route, but here's to hoping a GM sees this and is up to beating down the Hype Man
@JamaicanHypeMan said in #5:
> I understand that a simul is an option. I might have to go that route, but here's to hoping a GM sees this and is up to beating down the Hype Man

the simul is pretty much the only way to play a GM and you are kind of in luck since @Zhigalko_Sergei always does one usually as a 5+0 or 5+2 time control every day, maybe you might get him in time so who knows?
Andrew Tang has a very small fee to play him in 1 bullet game. That could be the perfect option for you

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