
Quit cheating me out of my turn as white NOW

look at stats of players who don't mind playing either color any number of times in a row, such as mine. we can see a difference of 80 games, which is just over 0.7% of my total games of 11,000 and even in your 900 games just over 4%,a minute difference which in no way should affect your rating.
if your only excuse is that you are better at attacking chess and refuse to even attempt to understand positional chess, you will stay at 1500-1600 level and that is where you will belong.
you will have to accept you will face opponents who play positionally, everyone has there own style, but the difference between top players and a average club player is that most top can play other positions out of their style if needed, and that too at about the same level.
if 1500's are beating you down by playing positionally, well improve your positional knowledge or face the truth that you will lose positional games against 1400-1500's even if you are 2000.
your rating is a average of all your skills, if you are a 2200 at attacking, 1200 at positional play and 1500 at defensive, you will land at around the 1600 level.
@Gik-Tally said in #14:
> I once literally played a chess game "to the death"
This guy's hardcore!

As many, many people have said, you are NOT entitled to play as white. If you are concerned about people seeking games as white and "cheating" you (as you so colorfully put it) out of your turns as white, I suggest tournaments.

>I've been ILLEGALLY cheated out of the opportunity to ATTEMPT a gambit THREE TIMES IN A ROW.

Benko, Latvian, Schliemann, Albin, Elephant, Kostic, Falkbeer, Stafford, Duras, Scandinavian, Blackburne-Kloosterboer, Jaenisch. You're certainly allowed to play gambits as black. I do it all the time.

Also: you are not entitled to play as white.

Suppose there were four players in a simple single elimination tournament, and both black players win. Someone is guaranteed to get black twice in a row. Would you say that math cheated?
Bonus on top of all the things others said unless I missed it in my skimming while laughing:

When you click "create a game", you can specify whether you want white, black or random. Then wait for someone to accept. Therefor all of your non-tournament games could be played as white if you wanted to.
<Comment deleted by user>
thats like saying please give up since im black
Ai prompt: Generate a lichess post for "Quit cheating me out of my turn as white" from the context of an angry and righteous US "consitutional auditor" perspective.

This is how this post was made....

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