
Unfair loss


I just finished a game with "ustnera20" and my time ran out but my opponent only had a King and a Knight and I had a King and a Pawn and a Knight. As far as I know you can't checkmate with only one king and knight so I am wondering why the game didn't declare draw? Suppose if the game continued, it would have been impossible for my opponent to checkmate me.
If checkmate is possible in any sequence of legal moves,it will be declared as win for the opposing player.For example black king on h1, black knight on h2,black pawn on h3,white knight on g3 and king on f2.
"Insufficient material" rule works only when opponent's king is lone without any other pieces left that can block him from escape squares.
Over the next hour players are going to fly in here and show examples of draws and wins; K + N v K + N + P. I agree with you Kamix but in internet chess there are no handshake draws.

Best thing to do if you are low on time is remove your pawn to get the draw. Or if you are really fast player keep shuffling the knight on repeat.

As long as there is a pawn left for your opponent, there is still a technical possibility that you can still checkmate him even with only a minor piece like bishop and knight.
I agree with you Rickrenegade, I should have given my pawn up when I was low in time.

Tennyson1, I hah the pawn, my opponent only had the knight.
Where were yor complaints here? @Kamix "Suppose if the game continued, it would have been impossible for my opponent to checkmate me."

Or here. So you want to give back your points because "Suppose if the game continued, it would have been impossible for my opponent to checkmate me."

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