

I can't see this ever being implemented. Nothing wrong with making a player prove they can convert a winning position. You'd be best off just asking your opponent via chat, it seems kind of rude though.
so you're also saying right now that every person you beat can't play chess? #10
In your example, @rmilin , you made a couple of superfluous moves. Obviously you do not know the most effective moves to checkmate with K+R vs K. So your opponent had every right to hope on you blundering and stalemating ... You should thank him to be your sparring partner and give you the opportunity to improve your skills.
But anyways. Demanding resign from an opponent is just rude. And your "special rating point" - is an idea they never improve of. The rating system is to be used for finding qpproximately appropriate opponents. Just imagine: I see my situation is hopeless, but instead of an instantly resigning I write in the chat: "I am ready to resign, please press the button so I get rewarded for resigning agreement ..."
Just ridiculous.

Also that is not an "incentive". That is one extra point, while if they lose they will get a lot less points. So it's about the same thing whether they resign or not. Also, no RESPECTFUL person would ask their opponent to resign. That just doesn't make any sense.

And if you really wanted to play someone better than you, then play bullet. It's not your opponent's fault you demonstrated you were up for a game. In the old days, I don't think people resigned often. They played to the end. And nobody was complaining.
I believe a chess game is not defined by the result or the rating of a player.
For me, the result is trivial because I enjoy playing with everyone.
I use a clock when I don't want the game to last all day.

Some people might have problems finishing things they started and some do not.
Accepting the situation is the first step towards enjoying your game.
If you agree that the result is trivial, then resign if you're not enjoying the game.
If you need a clock to limit the length of the game, then use one.

Resigning is not necessary, it is self-imposed.

Playing chess requires freewill.
@rmilin Yeah, no, this will be never implemented. I used to ask my opponents if they wanted to resign when I was 7, I was told by an arbiter that it is forbidden to do such a thing and I stopped. Besides, they only thing you manage to do by asking them to resign, is to annoy them. I do want to see my opponent thinking and spending a lot of time on their moves, but in no way do I want to be the one causing them to be stressed out, knowing how stressful of a game chess can be at times.
I do not find it ok to ask people to resign and I don't consider it rude to play on in a lost position.
But with some change, the OPs idea might have some merit ans should not be discarded just because it's never been so.
I know that such a scheme won't be implemented, ever, but it is a nice thought experiment.

Let me explain:
a) Nobody finds it rude if somebody asks for a draw once or twice in a game, which is a split of points by 50:50.
b) In a logical extension of this, you could consider it ok, if somebody would ask for a different split of points, say 25:75 or 75:25.
c) As is with draws, it could and should be considered fair to reach a 25:75 split of points, if both players agree.
d) What the OP suggested could then be thought of (and implemeted as) something like a 95:5 split of points. The OP is willing to give away a bit of the full point for the convenience not to have to play it out and the opponent receives a bit for that.
e) The rating system would not be affected negatively by this more than it is affected by draws reached by agreement.

@rmilin The extra point may prolong the game, since one player may play longer to wait for the other player to click the please resign button to get the extra point. Also, there is no time to type in the chat since no one wants to be running out of time and not getting the extra point. Plus, that extra point is going to make it harder to lower the ratings of many players.
Something wrong in heads when thinking of glicko-2 points as a reward. It is just an indexing number to find the right pool of players for the next challenge. It's well established rating system and no need to introduce new variables into its math based on emotions.

Based on your thinking: two could reach the best player and the second best player title just playing enough games to each other and one would give up by resignation all time.

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