
Who’s your favourite chess youtubers ?

In no particular order:
Krishna Prem.
Eric Rosen.
Wow, I was thinking pretty long on this captcha mate:
Could you please NOT spam your youtube channel in this forum?
I hope you get reported and banned very soon.
You're welcome.
<Comment deleted by user>
@TalMagicalDragon You meant #4 or what?
Telling people they don't have to spam is absolutely not spamming, #4 was spamming.
Seriously, are you scared you will get banned from lichess? Is that why you deleted your comment?
#7 i thought that my comment causes more bad than good so i deleted it . I only posted that comment because you said my friend get banned , if you my hope my friend get banned i hope you get banned
#9. thaught, maybe thought?
Now you're literally saying the same, you shouldn't have deleted that comment.
It was just a joke, okay?
Oh yeah: you can be banned if you spam youtube channels in such forums, or do I have to show you the 'FoRuM eTiQuEtE'?
#10 English is not my mother tongue i wrote thauht it auto correct it . I know too that you can be chat banned for posting youtube channels if your so concerned why not report too mods , is it not public shaming ?
Public Shaming
✅ Use if you think someone might have cheated or anything else reportable

❌ “is ... a cheater?”, “ an idiot”, “ a noob, " a loser, ... is advertising

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