
Are excessive rematch requests considered trolling?

Hi, everyone.

Played a game today which brought back memories on a particular subject... :( I had in the past a couple of topics re. EXCESSIVE REMATCH REQUESTS, i.e. players who pester you with rematch requests endlessly, no matter how many times you decline and/or explain that you are not interested. They sometimes offer/cancel rematches repeatedly.

Of course, I have been advised to "simply leave the game, and that will stop them" -- which is sound advice. Or to block such players -- also sound advice.

However, I am simply wondering what the Lichess community thinks about this type of behavior (i.e. not just looking for advice on how to deal with the problem).

1. Do you think this behavior should be considered trolling and reported as such?
2. Do you think moderators should intervene and/or (temp) ban such players?
3. Do you think there should be a limit on how many rematch request one can launch (per game or within a given time frame)?

Many thanks for your input + opinion.
I think that one rematch per game should be enough. Anything more is considered harassment and should be treated as such.

Another feature, which I don't notice until after the game, is the add 1`5 seconds. Some people seem to abuse this function when in a losing position. I don't understand this action, it's not bothersome enough to really be an issue.
I feel that the player shouldn't be allowed to ask for rematches more than twice after a game. I say twice because it might be an accident the first time. There really isn't a need to pester someone for a rematch when they clearly reject the message.

I think any behavior that can be deemed abusive should have some moderator intervention. Depending on the frequency and the intent.
Just for input, I personally don't care at all. I've seen people do it and it does not make a single difference to me, I just click away.
Thanks for all your opinions.

I agree that it can be fairly easily dealt with by just clicking away. But as I pointed out in my initial post, this is more than just about how to deal (cope?) with it. Imho this type of behavior should not be allowed in the first place! It is rude, annoying and quite idiotic + it borders on harassment & bullying, and imho Lichess should send a clear message to the players who employ it.
Maybe there could be a limit, eg. max 3 rematch offers.
But why do you think it's rude or harassing? I think such behaviour is just weird and amusing.
@laatikko -- Because these folks basically treat their opponent like an machine that *MUST* rematch no matter what, just because they want to. It's something like: "I want. I want. I want. Don't care if you don't. I do. And if you don't want (or can't), I will flood you with rematch requests (i.e. harass you) until you give me what I want."

Now, it's true that one can see it as amusing + childish too (it does sound like a 2 year old pestering his parents to buy him that candy :)), but I honestly interpret it as rude + harassing.

I might have legitimate reasons to keep the game window open and not navigate away (e.g. I want to review the moves without the analysis or want to show the game to someone). And having that flashing Rematch button blink at me constantly (not sure if a sound is also made) + the chat window flooded can be really annoying.
Yes, I can see it's disrespectful, and maybe shouldn't be allowed.
And I can see how you might think they're trying to harass you, but I can't see why anyone should feel harassed by it. They are desparately asking for you to give something you can give or deny, and more they click the rematch, the more they express how desperate they are. You might as well be laughing at their misery (that's the power hiearchy here).
I do not understand what the problem is. You can just ignore the rematch request - or you can click "no". I do not see any reason why he should offer rematch a couple of times, but if he does - ok, his problem.
There are many types of behaviour that I consider much more impolite than repeating a rematch request. Can't be that big a problem, anyway. It never happened to me after appr. 10000 games.
I think the rematch button repeatedly flashing is at least annoying, at worst seizure-inducing. So maybe the UI could be a bit gentler.

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