
Streaming question.

I've had it. My stream never shows up on lichess. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and there's no email anywhere where I can mail my questions.
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@Dannyskillz said in #1:
> I've had it. My stream never shows up on lichess. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and there's no email anywhere where I can mail my questions.

I have seen your twitch, and you have streamed for 1 hour+ but you need to put the game to ' Chess ' and then stream for 1 hour then you would be a streamer :)
@Hrant_Petrosyan said in #3:
> If you do not have an icon appearing on the profile, it means that you have never made a video, you must make a video of at least 1 hour, if it is otherwise, please consult this :
> Good Luck in your games espicially in live ;)

I have done everything I should do according to that page. And the first thing you said, that's not how it work
@Dannyskillz said in #5:
> how do I put it to chess? where?

Just go to the creator dashboard
then go to stream manager
then click edit button then you can see category, on that you can put it to chess by typing it
@Dannyskillz said in #6:
> I have done everything I should do according to that page. And the first thing you said, that's not how it work

you need to put category chess so that lichess automatic detector or something can see that you are streaming chess.
you should go to watch and click streamers and click on your streamer page and do the following
@Johan201023 said in #8:
> you need to put category chess so that lichess automatic detector or something can see that you are streaming chess.

Thank you, now it works!

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