
bug - move pawn

<Comment deleted by user>
I don't understand this practice of deleting answered questions. What is the point? If it is preserved, there is at least tiny chance that next person finds an existing topic and won't have to ask. This way the answer can only serve as a puzzle, letting people guess what the question was. :-(
@mkubecek said in #4:
> I don't understand this practice of deleting answered questions. What is the point? If it is preserved, there is at least tiny chance that next person finds an existing topic and won't have to ask. This way the answer can only serve as a puzzle, letting people guess what the question was. :-(

Exactly, it makes no sense. Honestly I don't even see why deleting posts is a feature in the first place. The only reason I can think of is that OP was embarrassed that they didn't know the en passant rule, but then they probably wouldn't have replied in #3. Perhaps you can give us some insight into your motives, @DobryCola? I'm certainly curious.
I really didn't know that rule. Deleted the post so as not to distract the bug report. (I thought the topic would be deleted along with the post).
@mkubecek said in #4:
>This way the answer can only serve as a puzzle, letting people guess what the question was. :-(

Actually, I didn't really have to guess. ;)
@DobryCola said in #6:
> I really didn't know that rule. Deleted the post so as not to distract the bug report. (I thought the topic would be deleted along with the post).

This is a discussion forum, not a bug report database. All you did was poison the conversation.

And speaking as someone who has worked in many software bug databases, it's generally poor form to delete any reports, spurious or not. Much better to just close them. The ability (and habit) of deleting things increases the likelihood of accidentally losing something important.
That's a bit harsh.

I am not a fan of deleting the original post, but I can totally understand how one might say "oh, I was wrong, this is not a bug, so let's delete it altogether.". Perspectives and experience are different between people.

But maybe the whole thread can be garbage collected.
@DobryCola said in #6:
> I really didn't know that rule. Deleted the post so as not to distract the bug report. (I thought the topic would be deleted along with the post).

Thanks for your answer, I can see your reasoning there. Honestly didn't even consider that. But yeah, as @mkubecek said, it's probably better to keep the post.

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