
What will be done to LM Lance's profile page?

@TRex7 said in #33:
> if it aint broken dont fix it
First rule in programming, had to learn it the hard way :_)
<Comment deleted by user>
My verdict: Right now, Lance's page is totally fine, and even the silver trophies bulging out do not obstruct the Ultrabullet button. When Lance gains more trophies (we all know that is inevitable :) A much simpler solution is to add a second row and center one type of trophy there (e.g put all marathon top 10 on the bottom row and leave the rest at the top). A more complicated way (Also works if the trophies get out of hand, and there are too much trophies, were talking 50+ here), Lichess could simply reposition the trophy section and make a dedicated, awards section, possible locations could be on the right side of your screen since there is lots of empty space there (on regular monitors) or under the stats, which would solve the problem of screens with small horizontal real estate, although it may require players to scroll down which will make them less <physically visible>. A drop-down menu would not work because they would not be physically visible.

keep up the good work @Lance5500

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