
Breaking The Silence Online

@Jade-1 said in #611:
> Did you *just* discover the internet? Big Meanies have ALWAYS existed on the internet. And people have ALWAYS been complaining about it.
> What's changed, exactly, in 20 years again? You tell me.

No it is not up to me, you are the one who keeps saying these things, with no evidence whatsoever.
Some statistics about the levels of harrasment would be very nice :)
@Jade-1 said in #616:
> I can guarantee nothing will change in a year, three years, or ten years. There will be chess blogs just like this one published here or elsewhere. And deep down, you have to admit this is the more likely outcome than not.

Well there might well still be blogs like this of course.
That is not the important question
The question would be how many .......compared to now
@replaced said in #600:
> Just FYI I got this message a few days ago and the ONLY communication in the past month I had on Lichess was posting on this thread. So I clearly got this message for posting on this thread. Other posters reported the same, posts have been deleted, and I also noticed thumbs up on some of my posts disappeared. If you oppose what the article says I would advise to be careful about posting here. Funny how almost everyone who disagrees with the article just happens to also violate policies.

Oh but did you notice how many of your thumbs down have been on my posts ?

Nearly all of them lol

I hope you don't get a sore thumb :)
As usual, offended women of Europe and USA write that they are being harassed. They themselves want attention from famous men, do not get it, and try to rip off millions of dollars. Fortunately, we don't have such a thing in Russia.

Как обычно, обиженные бабы Гейропы и Пиндостана пишут, что их домогаются. Сами хотят внимания от известных мужиков, не получают этого, и пытаются содрать миллионы бабосов. По счастью, у нас в России такого нет.
@greenteakitten said in #621:
> Disagreeing with a post and what you said in #528 are different....

No it's not different. Please elaborate. Also you need to look at context. When I said "sexual harassment" the discussion revolved around online sexual harassment. Not in person which is far more likely to be serious. I find sexual harassment online where there is anonymity not that big of a deal because the problem can be dealt with almost immediately. In person sexual harassment sometimes cannot be dealt with and may involve physical touching and many other forms other than just purely text.

My opinion that it's not a big deal was done in good faith.
i'm sorry, but i find this to be such a first world problem. sick people have existed throughout humanity, you're not the first to hear about them... learn to ignore please. there's people dying in wars as we play chess right now, we're truly blessed to be in a sterilized environment exercising our activities already.

i'm not trying to say harassment messages shouldn't be a problem or anything but if chatting on lichess has downsides that surpass the benefits, why not stay anonymous with a neutral username, or turn the chat off entirely as they have given you the option to? i thought about this from lichess' side, aside from basically running every message through a filter and IP banning people based on it, i couldn't find anything else to fix this issue. and as a regular chill chatter, i hated the idea of a filtering. i don't want no filter spying on my messages.
@Bogenko said in #620:
> What counts are concrete measures.
I disagree with that. I think what really counts is the evolution of mentalities. The technical solutions are just a help to do so and experiencing as little harm as possible on the way.
And they are really important, for sure. but these solutions are about fighting the symptoms when the evolution of mentalities is how the underlying problem can change.
@let-me-cook said in #627:
> i'm sorry, but i find this to be such a first world problem.
Sexist and sexual violences are pretty much the same across wealth groups.

@let-me-cook said in #627:
> learn to ignore please.

> i'm not trying to say harassment messages shouldn't be a problem or anything but if chatting on lichess has downsides that surpass the benefits, why not stay anonymous with a neutral username, or turn the chat off entirely as they have given you the option to?

I would suggest you to read all the answers that have been made to Jade-1, this was adressed over and over again. And is basically claiming that women should have less rights than men if they don't want to be harassed.
@Nikita-Molod said in #625:
> women of Europe and USA ... They themselves want attention from famous men, do not get it, and try to rip off millions of dollars. Fortunately, we don't have such a thing in Russia.
You forgot to add: "powerful women, we don't have such a thing either in Russia, we stop them way before they even try".
@TurtleMat said in #629:
> basically claiming that women should have less rights than men if they don't want to be harassed.

if you think that being a man equals to less harassment that is... it goes both ways. the less there is to identify you out there, the less likely you'll be in a such situation. regardless of your gender.