
Say your favourite thing

Out in the country
Birds singing
Water flowing
Yeah nature is my favorite

I also like teaching a child something new
The dawning comprehension
And the light in their eyes when they understand
Yeah,that's pretty cool too.
Can you supersize it? (recollections from mcdonalds)
i dont supersize menus no more,it was a favourite thing of mine as a youngster
Yo,mc donalds should give me a free meal gift,ive been doing good commercials for them
Rock 'n furl,
It's wha' I do.
Callin' t' me, 'tis.
Knowin' it's power, I obey.
Rock 'n furl, aye!
Oh, I be furlin'!
Look, it's power be growin'!
LOL, read the first letter o' each paragraph :)

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