
Why is Greenland icy and not green?

@NaturalBornTraveller said in #5:
> Incorrect. It was called Greenland, as a way to encourage settlers to come. Basically it was false advertisment. Ment to encourage people to venture further, instead of settling in the harsh environment of Iceland.
> Most "vikings" were the second, third born sons. Since they didn't have a claim on the inheritance, they had to search for their own fortune.
> No, far from the climate to Norway, nothing like the coasts and fjords of Norway. They didn't have the dirt and soil to sustain a farming settlement. The "forest" was small bushes at best. And not trees, as we would normally call them. But they had an abundance of fish.
> So maybe they just liked Sushi? Salted and/or fermented sushi...?
> The Norse settlers in eastern Greenland, did bring domesticated animals, but Greenland was never prosperous, and the animals brought was most likely slaughtered for food in the winter, except possibly a few for milking, and for breading in the summer.
> Not a sustainable environment for keeping livestock.
> Greenland was never really cultivated for farming.
> Mainly because there ain't enough good soil.
> A few crops is not enough to create prosperous settlements.
> Humans can survive under harsh conditions, the Greenlandic norce settlers did just that, survive, not strive, just survive, until they left. (My theory is that the last settlers, properly arranged with the traders to ship them back to Europe, perhaps becoming a type of indentent servants, but this is just my theory, no one really knows what happened)

I based myself partly on this article in French

these are not majestic forests, but small groupings of trees or bushes, quite puny, with willow, juniper and birch (I hope I am not mistaken on the names)

there is also a “forest” in the Qinngua Valley. insufficient enough to build a fleet of boats, but enough to make fences or cabins (even if most of the materials were imported)

Edit : on the subject of "crops" I was talking about the exploitation of plant resources dedicated to pasture which were already present like grasses - there were also barn-type buildings. there was no market gardening.

I think that the cereals for bread could come by boat but given the danger of such transport, it must have been expensive and rare (and maybe it never happened !)

Thx for the detailed info, I didn't know that it was serious that Erik the Red had made the greenland a lying sales argument, but frankly, the landscape of certain fjords and valleys is quite idyllic for tourist
@Noflaps said in #10:

> And I don't want to mistakenly imply that real estate in Greenland is remarkably expensive. That wouldn't be fair, if mistaken. And I simply don't know.
It is actually VERY expensive.
(Disclaimer, those capital letters in "very" was just for Noflaps. Don't get me wrong, I offer no special service for people with bad eye sight, I just ment, the price is doubled for him alone :-)

Greenland has a huge shortage of houses/homes.
Not uncommon that the Greenlandic people live with family until mid to end 20's. Not because they don't want to move, but because there is not enough vacant homes to move into.
Also, there is a lot of jobs available now in Greenland... However living quarters is a scares commodity.
So often people get turned down, because the lack of accommodation possibilities.

So real estate is very expensive in Greenland.
I worked 4 months midwinter in Illulisat, a couple years ago. Cold as hell. Often while working outside, I had to flap my wings to stay warm.
@NaturalBornTraveller provides, with his post #12, a clear illustration of the vast benefit of belonging to an informative, globe-straddling forum like that provided by lovely Lichess, filled with world travelers. Even some who are apparently natural born to travel.

How nice for the rest of us to be able to read and learn from such excellent posts.

And at the same time, he inspires my jealousy:

first, because I envy him the experience of having actually lived and worked in such an interesting and relatively unreached place as Greenland seems (at least to me) to be; and

second, because, judging by his post (and not from any personal experience or inappropriate surveillance), he seems able to flap!

We in the flapless community can only dream of such things. But dream we do, indeed!
Oh, I suspect that some even "live it up" in Greenland, @Opportunist 5.

Frosty nights under the stars, with the northern lights aglow. It could even inspire the composition of music, and several other worthwhile activities.

Here's some vikings of Missouri !

Greenland also has the highest suicide rate in the world, leaps and bounds beyond most countries.

Lesotho however approaches it, and that much more has to do with the extreme rates of rape - and HIV prevelancy in the country.
To teach people some valuable lessons, Don't believe everything you hear and don't take everything literally, many travellers have gone there in hope of something green, only to discover to their horror, that there's not too much green to be seen.:).
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #5:
> Incorrect. It was called Greenland, as a way to encourage settlers to come. Basically it was false advertisment. Ment to encourage people to venture further, instead of settling in the harsh environment of Iceland.
> Most "vikings" were the second, third born sons. Since they didn't have a claim on the inheritance, they had to search for their own fortune.
> No, far from the climate to Norway, nothing like the coasts and fjords of Norway. They didn't have the dirt and soil to sustain a farming settlement. The "forest" was small bushes at best. And not trees, as we would normally call them. But they had an abundance of fish.
> So maybe they just liked Sushi? Salted and/or fermented sushi...?
> The Norse settlers in eastern Greenland, did bring domesticated animals, but Greenland was never prosperous, and the animals brought was most likely slaughtered for food in the winter, except possibly a few for milking, and for breading in the summer.
> Not a sustainable environment for keeping livestock.
> Greenland was never really cultivated for farming.
> Mainly because there ain't enough good soil.
> A few crops is not enough to create prosperous settlements.
> Humans can survive under harsh conditions, the Greenlandic norce settlers did just that, survive, not strive, just survive, until they left. (My theory is that the last settlers, properly arranged with the traders to ship them back to Europe, perhaps becoming a type of indentent servants, but this is just my theory, no one really knows what happened)

are you a history teacher??
So,the Vikings took over Iceland , and the Icelandians tried to trick them,so they called it Greenland,and Iceland Iceland.

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