
Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.

In the Android app, I got out of time and with enough material to check mate, the opponent hadn't enough material to win, but the app gave the game to the opponent. It shouldn't be a draw? Thank you.
The game was anonymous by the two parts, but automatically the app gave the game to the opponent when I got out of time. I think this could be a bug of the app, thanks.
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@Toscani said in #4:
> If there were no consequences to running out of time, the entire concept of using a clock would be meaningless.
Yes, but this is a rule of chess:
6.9 Except where one of Articles 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3 applies, if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by that player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.
Then show us the position so that we can check if the conditions for a draw were fulfilled. I'm pretty sure you just didn't realize a checkmate with a knight is often possible once the opponent has some pieces rather than just a king. The point is "a series of *legal* moves" with emphasis on "legal", not "reasonable" or "sane".
@mkubecek said in #6:
> Then show us the position so that we can check the conditions for a draw were fulfilled. I'm pretty sure you just didn't realize a checkmate with a knight is often possible once the oppoinent has some pieces rather than just a king. The point is "a series of *legal* move" with emphasis on "legal", not "reasonable" or "sane".
The game was anonymous, I don't have the game of the mobile app. I say this could be a bug, because the opponent had only his king and I had a queen but I went out of time.
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@Toscani said in #8:
> Where is the game link?
> The exception in Article 6.9 does not apply, because there was material to checkmate, but the clock ran out. So the player that ran out of time lost and did not draw. If a player does complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, then the game is not lost by that player. However, the game is not a draw if the position is such that the opponent can checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.

How can you do check mate with only a king?
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