
Are bishops slightly better than knights?

Hey, i searched it on the internet. And the engine says bishops have 3.30 points and knights have 3 points. And i was learning through hacked version of magnus trainer and magnus said that in the ruy lopez berlin defence, black takes doubled pawns, but gives a bishop for a knight. So i would like an aleast 2000 rated player to approve this. Are bishops SLIGHTLY better than knights?
Honestly speaking both are the same. If you have a better maneuvering system with either the bishop or the knight then one of them is better.
Not a 2000 rated player but it depends on the position. Endgames or any games that has open diagonals are basically a bishop's wet dream. Knights thrive on closed positions due to their hippity hoppity power. But grandmasters has said that bishops are slightly better due to it reaching sniper level range.
It depends on the position. Usually in open positions, bishops are better due to range and mobility, while in closed positions knights are better due to being unobstructed by interposed pieces.

Two bishops can force checkmate. Two knights can not.

But there are always exceptions. A single bishop can only ever cover half the board. A knight can (eventually) get to any square. Even on an open board, a well-executed B for N exchange can open lines for heavy pieces.
According to Kaufman study on this (Kaufman, Larry (2011), The Kaufman Repertoire for Black & White) both are ON AVERAGE of same value 3.5 pawn but having advantage of bishop pair is wortha half pawn.

Then if you piece value tables of top chess engines you can see that if can get knight on center it becomest stronger better thats s simplified engine evaluation which aims on simplicity of code not strength. it still would at least 2000 in strength.
here is eval from more complex it seems that going for deep enemety territory gains easily a pawns worth. so knight in good position is worth way more than bishop

So it depends on what comes to table but on average bishops are worth more.
While bishops are generally better than knights because a bishop can control more squares in the center than a knight, they are very different in that their relationship to each other can have one be dominated pretty easily. It is all based on the position and it is impossible to answer which one is better to have because bishop pair from hell and monster knight but also worst bishop pair ever as well as knight in a corner. Generally I prefer to have a bishop for middle game tactics with pinning and sorts because most people will find knight forks, but knights can also be interesting in the endgame as they can cover both colored square. That being said, I do not have an answer to your question but I prefer to play with the bishops opposed to the knights.
I'll typical try if I can hang onto the bishop pair as they can get deadly, but of course that not always be the case sometimes especially to take out that pesky knight...
Also I feel like calculating vs knight takes more time than vs bishop you can see right away

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