
5 ideas for new features

Null move = no move. (Example: white moves 2 times in a row)
@Mulgor said in #1:
> 3) Adding null moves to studies (The main problem with null moves is that a lot of books and some repertoires will include them. When importing into lichess that leads to error messages)

First of all, I think that when you have 5 unrelated ideas, it would be better to create 5 topics, so that people discuss only that point.

I am only going to address point 3. which I think is very interesting.

At one time a user of my LiChess Tools extension asked me to add support for null moves, but of course that is impossible without Lichess changes. However, I added a command /skipmove ( to generate 5 moves to reach the same position, but the other side having the turn.

Would this be an acceptable quick fix alternative to imports? You detect null moves and insert (where that is possible) moves to skip the turn?

Another idea would be to have an easy method to open an Analysis Board or create a new chapter with the same FEN, but switched turns. Of course, this means another PGN, another set of moves, etc.

I am only proposing these because 1) I could implement some of it in LiChess Tools 2) they would be workarounds that would allow null moves without fundamental Lichess changes.

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