
Disable Berserk function for classical tournaments

@Patralgan Even without going berserk enabled you'd see the same Arena effect; playing fast increases the number of games a player completes.
Arena is just stupid for Classical tournaments. It is basically a speed show off by design. Also, when you get a much weaker opponent it is incredibly boring to wait next blunder in Classical. Better play in Lichess 45+45 League and just simple Classical games in Lobby. In both places the game will be really Classical and also you'll get a similar strength opponent.
i dont understand this topic !! There is no more tournament in Classical time. What a disappointment for me ! The new times are ok but the tournament disappeared !
I do not like berserker mode either.
That's why I do not play tournaments
I also think that some tournaments could be done WITHOUT the Berseker mode.
It would be a way to equalize and that we all have the same options.
You are basically saying you don't like getting a time advantage over your opponent. That is likely because higher rated players tend to beserk against lower rated players. Even if you take away beserk, you'll still be playing higher rated players, but with even time odds. If its an issue about winning the tournament, these online tournaments are literally meaningless.
I got into this topic by mistake, searching for "classical tournaments".

I wish we had them. 10 min is rapid. I'll start a new topic on the matter. Thanks.

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