
Unreliability in last few days

I find that there have been problems with the reliability of the connection the last few days.

My clock starts running down even though it is not my move, or when I make a move it won't register it.

It used to happen a little in the past but has suddenly got much worse.

Also at times it seems to need a second click to register my move. A final problem is when I move by dragging a piece rather than clicking on the two squares the movement seems to judder in a jerky way rather than the clean smooth motion previously.

All very annoying (and devastating) in bullet games.
Oh, that is happening for me as well. I thought I was going crazy because sometimes I would click and only later I would notice the piece didn't move.

Also, sometimes the connection is completely lost. By the way, if I lose a game by time out when the connection is off (and the fault is on the server), there should be a way to invalidate the game and get my points back.

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