
Puzzles hack/bug?

In the puzzles section, when I'm on pc, i can literally just click on the link that says "From Game (...) " and then let stockfish run the analysis. Then i can simply copy the answer. Shouldn't the link to the specific game be given after the attempt has been made by the user?
The exact same thing can be done after you attempt to solve the puzzle or if you click "show solution".It still shows you the right answer. I don't see a reason why this is a thing.
You could also copy the puzzle position to an engine and figure out the best move. Does Lichess care? Not at all.

Puzzles are training, not competition. You can only cheat yourself
But then the rating has no reason to exist. Plugging the puzzle in an engine has nothing to do with the site and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. But the site itself giving away the solution and then letting you get positive rating for it, makes the rating irrelevant.
The rating exists so that Lichess knows your puzzle level and gives you relevant puzzles.

It's the same thing for game rating, you know. It's here so people of similar strength play together. Not for pissing contests.
Although I understand the part where "you're only cheating yourself", I can also understand that if you use the engine or view the solution to figure the puzzle out, you should get less reward for it. Otherwise, if I use the engine all the time but not learning and my rating goes up and I get harder and harder puzzles, then I'll need to use the engine, I improve my rating, and get even harder puzzles, and so on and so forth. So maybe a way to do this would be to increase the rating in a smaller steps if you use the engine? Or maybe show the same puzzle for which you use the engine again in a few days to confirm you've learnt?

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