
The ugliest match of my life

Blocking only applies to game challenges. I must be blocked because you find the truth hurtful.
So this was some kind of fooling around? Why do you post such a game for others to see? 43. ...Bxa4 and 49. Kf5 are so bad moves that you were obviously just trolling each other
@laatikko Actually, my first post was in earnest. My second was a clarification and a cheeky response to display how much I respect this 18 yo's opinion. Looking at all of his posts, the theme is that he loses his queen, he claims it's psychology, then his opponent makes a bigger mistake. IMO, a complete fool who just seeks attention, and I warned him.
@Minecraftado Just stop uploading your games if they have nothing to teach anybody. You were up two minnor pieces and you managed to get into a position that was dead draw. It is because your opponent made that blunder, probably because he was unaware of the opposition rule and generally king and pawn endgame technices. What is more, despite being up two pieces, on move 34 all of them are on the backrank. I suppose the only reason you uploaded this game was just to illustrate that king and pawn endgame, where after the silliest bishop sacrifice, you won due to HIS blunder in a very simple position. It would be a whole different story if it was a comlicated position. But just returning to the point, what can I learn from your game? How to get up a bishop pair and then give it up for a drawn position? Or being up two pieces and playing inactively? I would much like to know what this game has tought you. And what do you have in mind when analyzing it.
Not sure if trolling or just beginners with no idea about endgame or opening principles.

I mean, this time he did admit that it was an ugly match. Noone's forced to watch. Not every game has to be instructive for everyone.

@Minecraftado Regarding your first post: You won because your opponent apparently does not know the principle of the opposition. He could have had a crystal clear draw by 46. Ka4 or 47. Kb4 or at a slightly less obvious one after 49. Ke3.

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