
Creation vs. Atheism

You are indeed correct....we are related to apes. But, we are different than apes in the sense that we are "more" real. Our existence is a problem for ourselves while the ape is too limited to really even know that it's alive. There's a protein strand unique to homo sapiens....this protein strand is perhaps the root of our ability to have complex thought, complex language, and purpose in life that can negate life itself....for example, our nature is such that we could commit suicide simply out of curiosity. You see @angrymonkey the difference between yourself and the real monkeys is that you have the ability to philosophize your banana!

Again....I wouldn't worry nonsensical myths and legends found in the Old Testament. There's a lot in the Old Testament that is difficult to comprehend and there's A LOT missing from it. The best thing to do in terms of religion is to make sure you're following Christ and steer clear of Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, and any other salacious misinterpretations of the divine. Remember @BlackBishop9319 ALWAYS BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS!!!
Religion is really a mental disease, I find it really interesting that in the XXI century people still believe in the words of some deranged men from middle east. Literally nothing from the bible makes sense, lots of assertions without evidence, and it's not just christians, a muslim would be 100 percent sure that his/her religion is the correct and not the rest. The bible is a book of fantasy and nobody should be worried about threats of a fictional book.
@Lionheart_L said:
>It's simply what Man does trying to reconcile the fact he has no purpose in the universe

Absolutely! This seems to be the core of the problem. In German there is only one word, "Sinn", which means as well "purpose" as "sense" (like in "makes sense"). Existence (or "universe", "life" or other synonyms) is without such a "Sinn". This is because our definition of it is flawed: purpose is not a category innate to a thing, it just exists in relation to an observer: the purpose of a book may be "obviously" to read its contents, but to someone else who can't read it might be the warmth it gives when burning it. Both of these purposes are not within the book itself but exist only in relation to the one eperiencing the book.

The same is true for the universe or the seehr existence: we cannot take a POV outside of the universe or outside of our existence therefore we cannot - by definition - give a purpose of it. Since we are a part of it this is in an absolute sense impossible.

Still, we are free to define purpose or "sense" in a relative, tentative way: the purpose of our lifes is what we choose it to be. Some people may choose the purpose of making as much money as possible - well, that is is their purpose. I wouldn't choose such a purpose but it is *their* life and they are as free to decide about their lifes as i am to decide about mine.

Will this make for a "lasting legacy"? No. But what does last anyway? I have some "things" i care for - most of these "things" are people. When my life ends i'd like to be able to say i made their life better than it would have been without me.

I don't need "eternal redemption" or any such nonsense. I remember reading Augustine ("De Civitate Dei"), a christian theologist from the 4th century. There he argues that the redeemed people in heaven will be able to see the tortures of the damned clearly ("perfecte"), so that their joy is ever enhanced.

If i need the torture of someone else to be happier than i'd say i'm not happy but gloating. Such people - instead of being redeemed - seem to need to adjust their moral values in my unredeemed eyes - like most of the christians who account for the majority of wars, slaughters and genocide in history. Let us not forget that it were franciscan monks who headed the largest concentration camp in Croatia (Jasenovac, see Wikipedia) during WWII.

A nice thing about evolution is that you don't really need to believe it for it to exist, because it exists on the physical realm, which is beyond belief.
@Lel0uchZero Sure, but what proof is there? I can say that I don't have to believe in God for him to exist. Only I do, and I made sure I was right.
If in 2018 you are still looking for "proof" about evolution, the problem is on you.
I often wonder how we've come to be where we are. God and Creation? Big Bang? Both? Something else? If there is a God, what created God? Did God create God? Did man create God? Did we create each other? Am I God? Are we all God? Is God everything? Is there a God?

Just for fun, I asked The Google a simple question.

'how to make a god in ten easy steps'

The top two sites that came back were:

Personally, I found the second site more entertaining. I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful - I was only being curious and having a bit of (cheeky) fun...

I also asked The Google another simple question.

'how to make an atheist in ten easy steps'

Strangely, the top two results were:

Personally, none of these were nearly as entertaining as my first search. The top two video clips were though.

I don't know the answers to all the big questions that are being raised here. I do know that each person should answer those questions for themselves. I do believe that everyone has the right to their own beliefs and I wouldn't want it any other way...

I also believe that everyone should ask their own questions - and hopefully - keep listening.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
@Lel0uchZero I've looked for proof. Haven't found any real proof. They just tell you how scientists see everything. Notice how people blindely believe everything a scientist says. Scientists used to think that maggets are made when bread expires. They though bread turns into maggots. Apart from being wrong in the past, how do we know that aren't just lying to us?
Doesn't the US coin say, "In God we trust"? It doesn't prove anything but that we think we are christians.

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